Best Song You Never Heard – Another Tear Goes Dry

The Oddfathers are pretty cool.  Awesome, in your face drums? Check.  Bithin’ guitar riff that rips of the Stones, but still manages to pull of an original song?  Check.  Insane singer?  Double Check.

I love this song and doubt many have heard it.  Could this be the best song you NEVER heard?  Its possible.  Also possible that its the worst song you ever heard, but you won’t know until you take a listen.

Or something like that.

Or something like that.

This is the first in what will probably be many posts about songs I dig.  I don’t know if it will catch or if anyone will care, but hell, its music and its cool, so why not share it right?  I’ll be adding to a playlist on Spotfiy, so you can all listen along if you want to follow it.  My plan is to showcase songs by lesser known bands and random song by bands you might know.  Along the way, I’ll be sure to include why the song caught my ear.

I came across this band through a podcast talking about the music industry and barely gave them a chance when I looked up this song.  Barely a chance turned into many repeated listens of this song.  Its ballsy, its got swagger and rocks.

The lead singer was being interviewed and he is certifiable but in a good way.  He was being interviewed about marketing a band in the digital age.  He has some interesting ideas and showed how old school techniques can get results, mainly due to the novelty of them.  If anything, this guy is about novelty.

Brynn Arens now

Brynn Arens now

Brynn in the 90s.  Bit of a different look.

Brynn in the 90s. Bit of a different look.

His name is Brynn Arens and he is in a band called The Oddfathers.  He was really out there in the 90s.  He had a band called Flipp.  They were different, but interesting.  The best thing I can say about that band was their big hit Freak, was appealing to me because the riff sounded like Bohemian Life You by The Dandy Warhols, which sounds like Brown Sugar.  Must be The Stones.  But I do remember the band, just barely, which is why I listened to the interview in the first place.  They all had their little personas like KISS, even a fair amount of grease paint and complete willingness to sell out, just not the fame.

Do I remember this band? Umm, yeah, they make an impression!

Do I remember this band? Umm, yeah, they make an impression!

The Oddfathers are bit more rocking.  As I get older, I admire the ability for someone to morph from the band pictured above to the band pictured below.


Sure they have a bit of a gimmick still, but I can’t fault them for playing the music game.  They even had a great gimmick for their first album.  They only had 4 songs, so instead of calling it an EP and having it thrown in the EP heap, they cut the songs on vinyl.  But not just on a record, which would have been cool enough.  No, they took it to the next level.  They put the songs on 45RPM records and released their record as a double album!   For those of you that don’t remember, singles used to be released as 45s.  They would have the hit song on one side and another on the back.  So 4 songs = 2 45RPM records.


How ballsy is that?  Pretty ballsy, I say.  The whole interview made me chuckle and out of courtesy and curiosity, I decided to give their songs a spin.  I heard Another Tear Goes Dry first and it really struck a chord with me.  I’m a sucker for a drum intro with swagger and a crunchy guitar part.  Plus, its filled with hooks left and right.

Listen up and let me know what you think.  Feel free to tell me if it rocks, tell me if it sucks.  Forward me songs you like.  Your song could be the next Best Song You Never Heard…but wait, you would have heard it, so the you would have to be someone else.   Or YOU could be everyone else but you and when I say thank you to you for the song that you suggested, the rest of the yous won’t be the you but YOU with be the YOU and the song you never heard was really a song they never heard.  Get it?

I don't get it either.

I don’t get it either.


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